MYS Ensemble Information

2024-2025 Manhattan Youth Symphony Handbook

Expectations for ALL MYS Musicians

Additional groups-specific expectations listed below.

  • You MUST be a member of your public school orchestra/band, if there is one available. 

  • You MUST commit to the fall or spring season, dates specific to your ensemble. 

  • You MUST attend ALL rehearsals and concerts, unless otherwise excused in advance.

  • Absences

    1. Total excused absences, including illness, should be limited to one or fewer. Missing more than this is grounds for removal from the orchestra at MYS staff discretion.

    2. Complete the Absence Request Form for excused absences such as important family trips and weddings, at least two weeks prior with a parent/guardian statement of the reason(s) for the absence. 

    3. Complete the Absence Practice Reflection Form and submit up to one week after the absence date. 

    • Consult your orchestra’s Rehearsal Plan on the MYS website for the date of the absence. 

    • Set aside time (at least half the length of the rehearsal missed) to practice the excerpts outlined in the Rehearsal Plan.

    • Complete this form simultaneously while practicing.

    • You are expected to complete a focus/strategy/reflection cycle for at least 3 specific excerpts. 

    • The form must be digitally signed before submitting it, by both the parent/guardian and the student musician.

    4. Students should be aware that absences, for any reason, may affect chair seating. 

    5. Absences to “sleep in” or take a day off are not excused. The intent of the policy is to provide some accommodation for families and students with valid schedule conflicts.

  • You are required to bring your MYS music folder, pencil, and instrument to each rehearsal.

  • No cell phone use during the rehearsal time, wearing of hats, or gum chewing during rehearsals.

  • You are responsible for being punctual to all orchestra rehearsals, concerts, and other activities. It is recommended that you arrive no later than 15 minutes before each rehearsal and allot time for warming up on your instrument. 

  • You are expected to practice and learn all pieces during individual practice time. Rehearsals are to be spent on ensemble-related preparation, not mastering individuals’ parts.

Bronze Ensemble

Registration Information

Introductory Orchestra Experience

Participation in the Bronze Ensemble does not require an audition. Students should have some experience playing their instrument (violin, viola, cello, or double bass), and should be able to identify notes and read simple rhythms. This is a training ensemble within the MYS program.

Registration and Tuition DUE: January 17, 2025

Spring 2025 MYS Bronze Ensemble Registration Form

Instruction is provided by a pre-service string music education student conductor and/or early-career string teacher who are being mentored by MYS veteran music teacher educators. The last rehearsal includes an “Informance” Concert by the students for friends and family.


  • Adhere to Expectations for ALL MYS Musicians listed above.

  • Students are expected to wear something nice for their “Informance” Concert.

Silver Orchestra

String Orchestra Experience

Returning Musician Information

ALL Returning Silver Orchestra and Gold Symphony Musicians must complete the Fall 2024 Manhattan Youth Symphony Returning Musician Commitment Form by Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 11:59 PM. This helps the conductors confirm your participation and/or audition choices in addition to those that are auditioning as a new participant or into another ensemble. 

*Bronze Ensemble Musicians, please complete the Fall 2024 Bronze Ensemble Registration Form by Friday, September 6, 2024.

Audition Information

NEW & Returning String Musicians seeking ensemble advancement

NEW & Returning Wind, Brass, and Percussion Musicians (Gold Symphony ONLY)


The Gold Symphony is looking for additional musicians to join us this Fall 2024! High school bassoon, french horn, trombone, tuba, and percussion students are encouraged to audition to perform with the Gold Symphony.

Submit the Fall 2024 MYS Gold Symphony Bassoon/French Horn/Trombone/Tuba/Percussion Audition Form that includes musician information and the link to your audition video(s) by Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM (see audition video suggestions below).


WOODWIND, BRASS, & PERCUSSION - Gold Symphony only

Participation Contract



Gold Symphony

Full Orchestra Experience

Auditions are held in the late spring to give string students an opportunity to enter for the first time or place into another ensemble level. The Silver Orchestra serves as an intermediate orchestra and the Gold Symphony accommodates the most accomplished students. Seating auditions for placement within each orchestra will take place early in the regular season.

​Silver Orchestra Audition Requirements

  • Scales: 2-octave scales - prepare one major and one minor scale of your choice from the options below. Please perform separate quarter notes at a minimum 92 bpm.

    • Violin - C, G, D, A major; G, D melodic minor

    • Viola/Cello - F, C, G, D major; C, E, G melodic minor

    • Bass - E, G, F major; E, G melodic minor

  • Prepared Solo: Should demonstrate the player's most advanced ability. SO should be at least late Suzuki Book 2 or equivalent difficulty. This should be a composition written for a solo instrument, and not an orchestral part from school.

  • Sight Reading: A short excerpt will be provided at the audition.

Gold Symphony String Audition Requirements

  • Scales: 3-octave scales - prepare one major and one minor scale of your choice from the options below. Please perform separate quarter notes at a minimum 92 bpm.

    • Violin - C, G, D, A major; G, A, B melodic minor

    • Viola/Cello - F, C, G, D major; C, D, E melodic minor

    • Bass (2-octave) - E, A, F, G major; E, F#, A melodic minor

  • Prepared Solo: Should demonstrate the player's most advanced ability. GS should be at least Suzuki Book 4 or equivalent difficulty

  • Sight Reading: A short excerpt will be provided at the audition

Auditions are held in mid-May for both new and returning students. High school woodwind, brass, and percussion students are greatly encouraged to audition to perform with the Gold Symphony. Each position will be re-auditioned every year.

Woodwind & Brass Audition Requirements

  • Scale: chromatic scale demonstrating your range. Slurring ascending scale, tonguing descending scale.

  • Prepared Solo: Any prepared solo of your choice, demonstrating your playing ability. No accompaniment is needed.

Percussion Audition Requirements

  • Prepared Solo: Any prepared solo of your choice on marimba, xylophone, snare, or timpani. Your prepared solo should demonstrate your playing ability.

How to make an audition video:

  • Arrange the camera frame so your entire instrument and upper body can be viewed throughout the audition as much as possible.

  • Please begin the audition with an introduction of who you are including your name, instrument(s), and the title of the solo you have prepared.

  • Wind and Brass players should play their chromatic scale first, then the prepared solo.

All SO and GS students (new and returning) will receive the Fall 2024 MYS Silver Orchestra & Gold Symphony Musician Contract for the season. DO NOT SUBMIT until after the audition process is complete. The Musician Contract and Tuition payment are DUE by June 15, 2024.

  • Adhere to Expectations for ALL MYS Musicians listed above.

  • The Rock Strings Retreat, dress rehearsals, and concerts are required rehearsal events. No students will be excused from these events. Students who are considering taking the ACT in the fall need to schedule it around the MYS schedule.

  • SO/GS members are responsible for formal black concert attire. Black collared-dress shirt or blouse (½ or full length sleeve), long black dress pants, slacks, or skirt, black socks or tights, and closed-toed black dress shoes. Ties are optional, but must be black.

A symphony, orchestra, and ensemble (much like a sports team, marching band, choir, etc) excels only when the collective membership works towards a common goal. If any one member is unable to play their part, the collective result is less than satisfactory. By its very nature, an orchestra relies on the unity of each section to create the masterpiece that was initially envisioned by each composer. This may be accomplished ONLY by commitment and hard work. The end result is rewarding and always magnificent.

Music Opportunities in the Manhattan Area

The Manhattan area has numerous opportunities for student musicians and families to broaden their musical experiences.

Kansas State University 

  • String Leadership Institute | June 23-27, 2024

  • Tallgrass String Festival & All-State Prep Day | Tuesday, September 24, 2024

  • String Fling - Re-Imagined! NEW DATE for 2024! | Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Manhattan Arts Center

The Manhattan Arts Center offers private instruction and group classes on a variety of instruments.  Learn more:

Kansas State Symphony Orchestra

The Kansas State Symphony Orchestra performs numerous times throughout the fall and spring semesters. Dr. Rachel Dirks directs this orchestra. The concerts are free. Learn more:

Manhattan Symphony Orchestra

The Manhattan Symphony Orchestra is an ensemble that celebrates the community found in the music experience. Comprised of student, amateur, and professional musicians, the MSO strives to create meaningful music experiences for musicians and audience members alike. Learn more: